What is DBT Like?
The therapist helps the client recognize his or her strengths and develop these positive characteristics to build a life worth living.
Balances acceptance and change
People come to therapy in order to change, but DBT also recognizes that acceptance must be present so that the client can tolerate the pain and suffering of the here-and-now.
The therapist and client work together to identify and change beliefs, expectations and assumptions that often lead to problematic emotions and behaviors.
Even destructive behavior patterns exist for a reason – some positive “payoff results”. In DBT, the client and therapist identify new behaviors that can obtain the same “payoff” without the painful consequences.
Clients in DBT learn and enhance skills for managing emotions, relationships, and impulses.
Requires a collaborative relationship
DBT clients and therapists work as a team. Constant attention is paid to the relationship so that treatment can progress as effectively as possible.